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The Straw Movement

Working Towards a Brighter Future

The goal of the Straw Movement is to reduce plastic pollution. Our oceans are becoming polluted with plastic straws and are killing marine life, this is how we help...

Forest Trees
Home: Welcome
Stoney River


A Bit of Background

Here at the Straw Movement, we are driven by a single goal; to do our part in making the world a better place for all. We are trying to convince restaurants to stop using plastic straws.

Home: Who We Are

Ways We Help

Meaningful Work. Unforgettable Experiences.


Members are the Straw Movement's volunteers. They are what make The Straw Movement possible. They enter events, become leaders, and most importantly of all, contact the restaurants.

Foggy Forest

Letters and Emails

The Straw Movement's members communicate to the restaurants through letters, emails, and other forms of contact. They will tell their local restaurants how plastic straws are a problem, and help them to stop using them.

Solar Panels on Roof


Events are held consistently and are one of the biggest ways that the Straw Movement helps the Earth. Events advertise writing more emails, creating gardens, and more.

Tropical Storm
Home: What We Do
Industrial Smoke

"The greatest danger to our future is apathy."

Jane Goodall

Home: Quote
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