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The Reuse News

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Why do we chop down trees? build neighborhoods which no trees? Why did we come live here if we just destroy it? Have you ever drove down a road and seen machines cutting down trees? Soon the neighborhood is done, and you find that there is NO TREES at all! We need to repay the earth-Griffon

Written by: Griffon


Come one come all today we are destroying the Earth, And that is exactly what we are doing. Here are some things you can do to help, stop using plastic. not just straws plastic cups bags and more. You can get reusable bags to put your grocery’s in, go to the beach pick up trash. Imagine all the baby turtles getting sick from swallowing trash, here’s a tip if you don’t want to use your hands get a claw and a bucket, plant a tree trees give you oxygen and we chop them all down harsh right? Plant one in your back yard in a pot and then plant it in the ground. -Griffon

Written by: Griffon

News: News


Plastic is bad for sea turtles and other animals too. Sea turtles are just swimming around in the ocean, when a plastic straw gets stuck in their nose and they can’t breathe.
They also might think a plastic bag is a jellyfish and try to eat it. Why do we even use plastic even though it’s hurting animals? There are so many other kinds of straws that are better for them. We should use those more instead-lioness

Written By: Lioness


Many people in the world love plastic. But some don’t know that plastic can kill many animals in the sea, and even damage forests. After you think about it you won’t know why your doing this. So help us save the world by trying to convince restaurants to stop using straws. You can help by only using reusable straws bamboo straws or any kind of straw that is good for the environment do it to save the animals and the earth_Ocean written by Ocean

Written By: Ocean

News: News


It’s not to late to save the sea turtles, but soon it will be. Here’s what you can do to help. Try not to use plastic in the first place, but if you do, recycle it. If you recycle plastic, it probably won’t go to the ocean. It will be reused. Pick up trash on the beach, and fill in holes in the sand. Sea turtles get out of the water to lay eggs, and will fall and get stuck in deep holes. Also little baby turtles can’t get out of deep holes. There is actually a lot of things people could do to help.

Written By: Lioness


Not only sea turtles get hurt by plastic, other animals can too, fish could eat plastic in the ocean just like sea turtles could, and even animals on the beach like seagulls, other birds, and more could think it’s food and eat it, too. Plastic is hurting more animals then just sea turtles, so when we’re saving them, we’re actually saving a lot of other animals too.

Written By: Lioness

News: News


Do you hate straws and wish everyone would stop using them? Some people love straws but animals don’t. Animals are in danger because of straws and I bet some kinds of animals became extinct because of them. Well, if you hate them, you can start using bamboo, wooden, edible, reusable and other kinds of straws that are good for the environment. Try joining the straw movement and help to stop restaurants from using plastic straws. And we’re going to hope that animals will be all over the world, and people would stop using plastic_Ocean

Written By: Ocean


You go into a room and turn on the lights and a few minuets later you leave and the lights are still on. What I am trying to say is turn of the lights when you leave a room . It saves energy and the earth another why you can help is get solar panels, they use the sunlight to give you internet pretty cool right? I think so

Written By: Griffon

News: News


You go to the grocery store and get some vegetable. The truth is that that vegetable you just picked up has pesticides on it meaning it’s not safe to eat like you could get cancer dangerous. Boom drop th mike. Ya that’s right but there are way you could not eat the scary horror movie on earth. You could Bye organic produce, ok you are prolly asking yourself what is organic produce? Well it is fruits and vegetables that are not sprayed with pesticides, they use other things like ladybugs.Also you can grow your own garden it would save the time of going to the grocery store

Written By: Griffon


The United States uses 1,700 kWh ( kilowatt hours ) per home per year for lighting. We waste light energy because we just leave the light on when we leave the room or go to sleep. Turn out the lights whenever you do one of those things. There are other ways you can help the earth, getting solar panels ( although they are expensive ), not using plastic straws bags or containers, recycle when you do use plastic or cardboard, and cleaning up local beaches. They are many ways you can help sea animals and other species, and also help the earth in the prowess

Written By: Polar Bear


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Why do we use plastic even though we know it’s hurting animals? Why do we chop down trees even though they give us oxygen? Why are people destroying the earth? Some things you can do to help is stop using plastic straws, and start using bamboo straws, or another eco-friendly kind. Plant a tree in your backyard. Start a compost, a lot of things that are being thrown away should be composted. Together we can save the earth!

Written By: Lioness


Have you ever went to the beach and saw trash everywhere? Isn’t it horrible?! Animals are eating that trash and getting sick. That trash is getting in the ocean, too. So not only animals on the beach are eating it, but animals in the sea are, too. Next time you go to the beach, try picking up the trash. If you do, you are saving a lot of animals from getting sick.

Written By: Lioness

News: News


Why do we use plastic even though we know it’s hurting animals? Why do we chop down trees even though they give us oxygen? Why are people destroying the earth? Some things you can do to help is stop using plastic straws, and start using bamboo straws, or another eco-friendly kind. Plant a tree in your backyard. Start a compost, a lot of things that are being thrown away should be composted. Together we can save the earth!

Written By: Lioness


Have you ever went to the beach and saw trash everywhere? Isn’t it horrible?! Animals are eating that trash and getting sick. That trash is getting in the ocean, too. So not only animals on the beach are eating it, but animals in the sea are, too. Next time you go to the beach, try picking up the trash. If you do, you are saving a lot of animals from getting sick.

Written By: Lioness

News: News


Do you love the beach but wish it could be cleaner? Try cleaning it. Clean the trash off of it and recycle the plastic bags, straws or any plastic thing that you find. And fill in the holes in the sand, animals can get stuck in them. You can do this in your own neighborhood and you can plant a tree or make a garden in your backyard. You can do anything to save the earth. _Ocean

Written By: Ocean


Have you ever went to the beach and saw trash everywhere? Isn’t it horrible?! Animals are eating that trash and getting sick. That trash is getting in the ocean, too. So not only animals on the beach are eating it, but animals in the sea are, too. Next time you go to the beach, try picking up the trash. If you do, you are saving a lot of animals from getting sick.

Written By: Lioness

News: News


Plastic is killing 1.1 million seabirds and animals a year. About 8.3 billion tones of plastic has been produced sense the 1950s. That’s a lot of plastic right? And how did plastic become so popular? Here’s the facts...Well it all started with plastic bags before that it was paper but plastic was stronger and more convenient than paper. So they started to make plastic everything plastic bags, plastic straws, plastic cups, and containers, it went on and on and on so than it indeed up in the ocean so ya the end of the earth is happening get ready for it or help help now!

Written By: Griffon


Since 1870 sea levels have risen about 8 inches! Why you may ask? global warming. Glaciers have shrunk and polar bears will die because of it, it is why more serious than just wearing shorts more because it is warm. It is many animals getting Hurt, and how did it start well... when coal oil and natural gasses burn the release enormous amounts of green house gasses the gasses add up more quickly in the atmosphere meaning that the air is full of bad gasses and we haft to do something about it

Written By: Griffon

News: News


Sea turtles are great animals. We really do need to save them. They are critically endangered. If we want our great grand children to see them, we need to act now. Hopefully it’s not to late. We need to recycle the plastic that we use, and try not to use it in the first place. Save the sea turtles!

Written By: Lioness


This article is about global warming. Polar bears can’t live without ice. All thanks to global warming, their ice is melting. Polar bears are endangered, and we need to help. I’m not sure how to stop global warming, but we need to find a way. -Lioness

Written By: Lioness

News: News


Why are the coral refs getting hurt? Well let’s start with over fishing so ya people are fishing to much we’re the coral refs are getting fished in to much. Warming waters meaning because of global warming it is hurting the coral refs too. pollution there is too much trash in the water! We are hurting the fish and the coral so think about what we just did pollute and hurt the water

Written By: Griffon


Cars, airplanes and other vehicles are helpful, but create pollution. We should: bike more, drive less!! In the Netherlands, they band cars. You should bike to near places if you can, school, the park, and more! Pollution is making places warmer, and making animals endangered.

Written By: Polar Bear

News: News


Have you ever passed by a factory and saw smoke coming out of it? That smoke is actually chemicals that they’re releasing into the air. It’s bad for the enviorment, and the animals. Those chemicals are in the air that animals breathe. Why are factories doing this? Isn’t there some other way that they could do it? lioness

Written By: Lioness


Why do people us plastic straws so much? 0.025% of the ocean is filled with plastic straws. This is bad for the ocean, and animals in it. Plastic is also on the beach and it’s hurting animals there, too! The next time you go to the beach, you should clean the trash in the sand so it won’t get into the ocean. Also recycle all of the plastic you use so it won’t go to the ocean.
We can save the ocean and one of the animals in it if we recycle all the plastic we use.

Written By: Lioness

News: News


Everyone uses way to much plastic. There’s plastic straws, bags, cups, and more. Plastic is making a lot of animals sick, and some species are endangered or instinct. It makes a lot of sea animals for. It might not kill seabirds, but it will make them sick. People should stop using plastic, and start using something more eco-friendly.

Written By: Lioness


Have you ever been riding ina car, or riding your bike and you passed a area that was just, full of trash? I’ve seen that many times. It really is terrible. Why do people litter so much?
If you litter, you need to stop. Animals might think the trash is food and eat it. Littering is bad for animals, and the environment. You should stop littering, and start recycling all of the plastic you use, and throw away stuff that isn’t recyclable.

Written By: Lioness

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The Winners of the Newspaper Event

Best Article Award: Polar Bear


Title Award: Griffon 


Most Articles Award: Lioness

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Straw Reviews


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Codename: Griffon

Straw Type: Plastic

From: Everywhere!

Rating: Two Stars


Even though plastic straws are bad for the environment ; you need to admit they are pretty good straws. They hold up good and don’t get soggy (like paper straws); but they do have another dark side besides being a murderer of the environment. They actually give you wrinkles! I gave plastic straws 2 stars because they are good and hold up well but are still bad for the eco system.


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Codename: Griffon

Straw Type: Silicone

From: Amazon

Rating: One Stars


Silicone straws are good the first time you get them, but then you wash them and all the sudden your drink tastes like soap! ( gross ) and sometimes some old smoothie will get stuck in them! And yes they are good for the eco system, but are they good for you I mean OLD SMOOTHIE!? I rate silicone one star because it is the lowest one I can give. P.S. silicone straws suck ( ha ha )

News: Text

Codename: Griffon

Straw Type: Paper

From: My sisters b - day she likes The Eco System

Rating: One Stars


Paper straws are bad very bad ya, they can be colorful but two seconds later you have a mouth full of paper! These straws are not water proof; it is like sticking a piece of paper in the ocean and saying it’s still dry! I love that they are a alternate for plastic, but rating them they are practically best Friends with silicon straws.

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Codename: Griffon

Straw Type: Metal

From: From my Aunt Alex

Rating: Five Stars


Metal straws are good for the eco system, and all you need to do is stick um in the washing machine to clean them! NO OLD SMOOTHIE; I like them because there extendable and can come in fun colors! You can get them with a silicon tip or not , and it comes with a washy thingy if you want to wash it your self! I gave it six stars because there good for the eco system, and they are a good straw. 🥳

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Codename: Lioness

Straw Type: Plastic

From: Restaurants and more

Rating: One Stars


I guess plastic straws are helpful, and inexpensive, but they are the worst straw for the environment. It gets stuck in sea turtles noses and they can’t breathe, animals might think it’s food and try to eat it, and you can’t recycle plastic straws because that will ruin the recycling system!! Since you have to throw away plastic straws, they will go to the ocean and there is nothing we can do about it. So that’s why we shouldn’t use them in the first place.

News: Text

Codename: Lioness

Straw Type: Paper

From: A few restaurants that have them.

Rating: Three Stars


Paper straws are much better for the environment then plastic straws, but paper is made out of trees, so to get paper straws, you have to cut down trees. So I guess paper straws aren’t really the BEST for the environment, but they are better then plastic. Papers straws don’t get to the ocean as much, because they ARE eco friendly, just I don’t think they’re the best straw because you have to cut down trees to get them.

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Codename: Lioness

Straw Type: Washable and reusable

From: I own a lot of them

Rating: Five Stars


I love washable and reusable straws, because after you use them once, unlike plastic straws, you reuse them. This way, they don’t get to the ocean, animals don’t think they are food, and people can still use straws! If you like using a straw, but you know plastic straws are bad for the environment, I suggest you should try washable and reusable straws.

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Codename: Ocean

Straw Type: Pl

From: My friendenemies birthday party

Rating: Three Stars


I like it because it is good for the environment.

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Codename: Ocean

Straw Type: Reusable

From: The cup my gramma gave me

Rating: Five Stars


I like the straw because it is good for the environment

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Codename: Ocean

Straw Type: Plastic

From: Almost every restaurant I ever went to.

Rating: One Stars


I think that plastic is useful but bad for the environment

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Codename: Griffon

Straw Type: Phade straws

From: Red Bar

Rating: Five Stars


Phade straws look like plastic straws, and there award winning straws and great for the environment. I love them because they are good straws and do good for my good friend you guessed it the earth! But they only can work in cold drinks, and if you put them in hot chocolate than they get soggy and look sad. But who puts straws in your hot tea anyway?!

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